NIP’s Point Collection & Rewards Scheme
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At NIP, we are seriously committed to rewarding dedicated and hardworking members of our party, because they’re the main reason we can dream to conquer the complex political sphere in place in Nigeria.
So, membership of NIP is only possible by an application made online. We are however everywhere, so our representatives at each ward will help you if you are not IT savvy to join us. In fact, that is how they earn their compensations…lol!
In a nutshell, we built in a point collection system on our website so each member can collect points for every successful referral. Upon registration, we each get a Unique Membership Number (UMN) which we are encouraged to give it to people we refer to join NIP so they can input on their application forms when prompted to do so.
Provided the applicant fills the UMN of the person who referred them in the space provided for it, they will both be awarded points. They both receive 100 points each when the application is processed and the new member admitted. For those who upload their voter’s cards as means of identification, both the applicant an the referee are awarded 200 points each.
Why did we build this scheme in? NIP does not have political God Fathers or Mothers, so cannot throw t-shirts, umbrellas, wrappers, face-caps etc. at people because it costs a lot of money to produce those items.
We will therefore have an online store where NIP branded goods will be sold along with made in Nigeria goods of very high quality. We will sell at reasonable prices, and everyone everywhere can order goods and services from our online store. The store is not restricted to members only, however members can shop online with their points or a combination of points and money.
Aside from shopping for goods, members can use their points to pay for screening to join the Leadership Cadre of NIP whether or not they intend to run for office. It is also possible for members to pay for charged courses they want to take part in within NIP’s Virtual Learning Environment, pay for tickets to NIP events or other events of interest, purchase health or life insurance policies etc.
As our party grows and funding becomes less of an issue, we will earmark a percentage of our account balances to pay cash rewards particularly to members who have accumulated very high points.
Our Leaderboard will show us the best performing members, so that those of us desirous of learning their tricks can contact them and ask for tips on how to improve our own performances.
Courtesy: Eunice Uche Atuejide
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